What is the Australian Content for Australian Communities (ACAC for short) Initiative?
This Initiative is an effort to achieve a number of benefits and improve conditions for smaller cinemas and Australian content producers. The objective is to help bring the Australian exhibition industry forward by encouraging the implementation of evolutionary practices that have been implemented in other parts of the world but have yet to materialise in Australia.
SCO has done extensive analysis of the business of exhibition and distribution in other countries where smaller cinemas and local content producers thrive. The ACAC initiative hopes to demonstrate and educate our industry in these practices.
As has been shown in those regions, the Australian Cinema and Exhibition industry will see improvements in the following areas:
- Exhibitors will see greatly reduced overhead costs, reduced labour costs and most importantly less restrictive access to content as a result.
- Distributors will see greatly reduced costs and labour while also opening up the potential to screen films in niche markets greatly widening the theatrical release footprint.
This initiative will develop industry practices that will enable Australian films to reach more people than ever before.
Initiative signatories
As of the ACAC Initiative launch, two official distributor partners are already onboard. Fan-Force and Bonsai Film are on board with films slated to utilise the ACAC offering. As part of the initiative, films distributed under ACAC Initiative will have improved contractual requirements. SCO encourages you to look out for them from the named partners above.
James Gardiner
Founder, Small Cinema Owners Association
mob: 0412997011